May 2, 2024 – Hamilton, Ontario
From: Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
News release
Hamilton Jewish Federation receives $175,000 to renovate its current space and enhance offerings.
Cultural organizations, like the Hamilton Jewish Federation, are essential pillars in our society, providing spaces for contemplation and fostering connections with the experiences that define the past and the future. The Government of Canada knows the importance of these organizations and historical sites in our communities and is dedicated to amplifying Canada's diverse perspectives and voices.
Today, the Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), announced an investment of $175,000 for the Hamilton Jewish Federation to support the renovation of its current space and provide educational offerings through the new Margaret’s Legacy Holocaust Learning and Jewish Advocacy Centre.
The Margaret’s Legacy Holocaust Learning and Jewish Advocacy Centre, which opened today, is a free and accessible information centre that will provide resources, documentation and artifacts to educate visitors and empower them with a deep understanding of the Holocaust. This permanent exhibit will bridge the gap in access to Holocaust education and is expected to attract hundreds of visitors to the region seeking remembrance during the first year of operation.
The Margaret’s Legacy Holocaust Learning and Jewish Advocacy Centre will play a vital role in ensuring Canadians have access to free and accessible information. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting organizations like the Hamilton Jewish Federation, as they are an important resource to better understand and remember the legacy of the Holocaust.
“The Margaret’s Legacy Holocaust Learning and Jewish Advocacy Centre will be a safe space to gain and share knowledge and understanding about the Holocaust with present and future generations. By working together to educate Canadians about the Holocaust, we are advancing the fight against denial and Holocaust-related disinformation, and raising awareness of Antisemitism.”
– The Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
“We are deeply grateful for the support received, as it enables our Holocaust Education Centre to expand its vital mission, ensuring that the lessons of history continue to resonate with future generations, fostering empathy, understanding and a commitment to never forget."
– Gustavo Rymberg, CEO, The Hamilton Jewish Federation
Quick facts
The Hamilton Jewish Federation has been the cornerstone of Jewish culture in Hamilton for more than 80 years and is committed to building a safe, engaged and inclusive Jewish community that cares for its members.
Margaret's Legacy was founded in 2008 in Hamilton, Ontario, by Danna Horwood. Their journey began as a dedication to providing top-notch Holocaust education, rooted in the micro-history of Horwood’s grandparents, survivors Margaret and Arthur Weisz.
Delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies, the Tourism Growth Program provides $108 million, over three years, directly to businesses and organizations to help diversify regional economies by investing in tourism products and experiences that will encourage visitation to and within Canada. In southern Ontario, FedDev Ontario is delivering over $30 million through the program.
In Budget 2024, $5 million over five years, starting in 2024-25, and $2 million ongoing, has been proposed to the Department of Canadian Heritage to support initiatives that seek to preserve the memory of the Holocaust and help improve Canadians’ understanding and awareness towards the Holocaust and Antisemitism.
Since 2015, the Government of Canada, through FedDev Ontario, has invested over $415 million in more than 1,440 tourism-related businesses and organizations, estimated to create over 4,700 jobs and maintain over 20,000 jobs.
Click here to read the original article.